Chaos Code Book

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Contents.StoryThe boy who allegedly handles most of the day-to-day operations of Hilda's organization, Amnesia, moving people around like pawns. He has what appears to be a close relationship to Gordeau, who has since left the organization.

Oct 02, 2007  The NOOK Book (eBook) of the The Chaos Code by Justin Richards at Barnes & Noble. FREE Shipping on $35 or more! Get FREE SHIPPING on Orders of $35+ Customer information on COVID-19 B&N Outlet Membership Educators Gift Cards Stores & Events Help. #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER. A clear-eyed account of learning how to lead in a chaotic world, by General Jim Mattis—the former Secretary of Defense and one of the most formidable strategic thinkers of our time—and Bing West, a former assistant secretary of defense and combat Marine. Call Sign Chaos is the account of Jim Mattis’s storied career, from wide-ranging leadership roles in.

But now, he has set his eyes on the Licht Kreis, Amnesia's greatest threat. Or, more specifically, he searches for the Crimson Knight, Gordeau's hunter. Now, he sets foot onto the battlefield.“Please. This logic is both basic and primitive.One must be in the control tower, where precise decisions lead to victories.”.

GameplayChaos is the game's proper puppet character, much like Zato/Eddie from Guilty Gear, or Lieselotte from Arcana Heart. But whereas most puppet characters have strong mix-up potential, Chaos is all about controlling the neutral game and maintaining the optimal distance from the opponent, while positioning his pet lizard Azhi-Dahaka between him and the opponent. Azhi has big hitting moves that have some invincibility attributes attached to them, and the only time he can be reliably hit and disabled is during the recovery on his moves.

You can set it right next to the opponents face and make them scared to act from as far as full-screen, and he can help Chaos lock the opponent down in the corner, since Chaos can passing link Azhi moves into his normals, giving him lots of frame advantage. Azhi helps define Chaos as a character.Without Azhi, Chaos is somewhat lackluster on his own, as his normals have poor range compared to the rest of the cast, causing him to play defensive until he gets access to Azhi again. His defense is lackluster as well, only having his Infinite Worth and Infinite Worth EXS as reversals. While on the offensive, he has difficulty opening up the opponent, being one of the few characters without having a standing overhead, leading him to rely on Assaults, tick-throws, and cross-ups. Along with that, he has some of the lowest damage output in the whole game, needing specific conditions to even break 3k damage, even with Azhi. How well you do with Chaos largely depends on how well you can outperform the opponent during neutral.Lizard GaugeChaos has a special gauge under his health bar that indicates the status of Azhi-Dahaka.Green: Indicates that Azhi is available for use.

If Azhi is on screen while the gauge is green, he does not have an active hurtbox on screen. After being active, returning to green also restores Azhi's used special moves.Red: Indicates that Azhi is currently active performing or recovering from a move. Picture needed:Cha 2C.pngDamageGuardCancelPropertyCostAttribute580LSp,EX,CS-FootStartupActiveRecoveryOverallAdvantageInvul12326-11-Low hand swipe that can low profile some moves.

Farthest reaching normal and great tool to use in footsies. Will cause a short otg-able state to hard knockdown on hit, but if scaling is too high the opponent will be able to air tech. Chaining into a whiffed 2A will leave you -1. Chaining into 22A or 22C on block will leave you -4. 22B or force function will leave you -16.j.A j.A. Picture needed:Cha 5BB.pngDamageGuardCancelPropertyCostAttribute450HLSp,EX,CS-StrikeStartupActiveRecoveryOverallAdvantageInvul12220-6-Follow up to 5B. Chaos does a reverse kick with a high vertical hitbox.

Useful in pressure strings since it moves Chaos forward. Also useful in combos since it launches on hit. Can occasionally be used as a situational anti-air after whiff 5B 5BB.

Because Chaos lifts off the ground in the animation this move is considered airborne and thus is throw invun. It'll also high profile some moves. Chaining into 22A or 22C on block will leave you -6.

22B or force function will leave you -18.Foot invincible frames 1011Ground Throw invincible frames 1115CC 5CC. Picture needed:Cha 6C.pngDamageGuardCancelPropertyCostAttribute640HLA(Sp),EX,CS-ProjectileStartupActiveRecoveryOverallAdvantageInvul141429-15-Code Reflect. Chaos throws the Chaos Code forward at his opponent. Will absorb ONE projectile and upon absorption Code Reflect's hitbox will expand from where it absorbed the projectile. This move is great for combating your opponent's zoning. 6C is also a very useful mid-range anti-air and can stuff assaults easily.

Will wallbounce on hit and you can follow up with a combo on hit by using Chaos' force function roll. It can also be chain shifted on whiff and used to cover an approach.

The last five frames of recovery can be canceled into block, but nothing else (Note: this means Chaos will take damage from Enkidu's Havoc).With Vorpal active, you can chain-shift this move on whiff for a free jump-in during pressure.j.2C j.2C. Picture needed:Cha 5BB.pngDamageGuardCancelPropertyCostAttribute400HASp,EX,CS-StrikeStartupActiveRecoveryOverallAdvantageInvul10220-4-Same animation as Chaos 5BB but not jump-cancellable or in passing link. His anti-air for when Azhi isn't available, but it's honestly awful to use on reaction, since you have to input a dash, and his hurtbox gets extended vertically pretty far before the invulnerability kicks in, which can make this unreliable. Good if you have a solid read on the opponent (i.e.

Throwing this out preemptively against predictable assaults/jump-ins), and leads to great reward on a counter-hit, but typically, your safest option is to either block, or Force Function under them and punish them from there. Chaining into 22A or 22C on block will leave you -4. 22B or force function will leave you -16.Head invincible frames 911Ground Throw invincible frames 3966C 66C. Picture needed:Cha 66C.pngDamageGuardCancelPropertyCostAttribute780HLSp,EX,CS-StrikeStartupActiveRecoveryOverallAdvantageInvul11321-6-Chaos does a downward hand swipe. Not an overhead. Is actually Chaos' most damaging combo starter but not a move you will use often outside of combos sadly.

Useful for extending combos and leading into Veil Off routes as well as an alright ender. Chaining into 22A or 22C on block will leave you -4.

22B or force function will leave you -16.Universal Mechanics Force Function OphidianB+C. Picture needed:Cha BC.pngDamageGuardCancelPropertyCostAttribute-StartupActiveRecoveryOverallAdvantageInvul1-8-33f total duration-Command roll. Can be used to go behind the opponent. Best to use this move wisely as you can't just mash it out and get a free escape out of pressure. Even upon successful roll through your opponent's attacks, you still have 8 frames of recovery until you can do something.Head invincible frames 326Projectile invincible frames 326Strike invincible frames 825Throw invincible frames 1425Throw ThrowA+D. Picture needed:Cha 5C.png214DNormalDamageGuardCancelPropertyCostAttribute0Mid-100 EXS, GRD BreakStrikeStartupActiveRecoveryOverallAdvantageInvul1552645-12115 Full,1645 Full on hit214DVorpalDamageGuardCancelPropertyCostAttribute0Mid-VorpalStrikeStartupActiveRecoveryOverallAdvantageInvul1252642-12115 Full,1645 Full on hitBlows the opponent away on hit. Usable only during blockstun.

Generally better to use while in Vorpal as it's faster and costs less resources.Veil OffヴェールオフA+B+C. EX version (2nd hit)ADamageGuardCancelPropertyCostAttribute650HLSp,EX,CS-StrikeStartupActiveRecoveryOverallAdvantageInvulGround: 15Chaos Air: 18Azhi Air:13225Ground: 32-Ground: -8Azhi Air: -9 to -1-AKA swipe.

Chaos calls Azhi to do a claw swipe in front of him. Amazing range and probably one of Azhi's best moves. Hits air unblockable. Closer to the ground you are before doing the attack, the more frame advantage you have. If Azhi is in the air when he does this, then he will do the attack while falling to the ground. Has projectile invun making it good against players who try to zone out chaos with fireballs or use fireballs to cover their approach, if someone tries, throw a lizard at 'em!

Chaining into a whiffed 2A makes this move +10. Chaining into 22A or 22C on block will leave you +7. 22B or force function will leave you -5.BDamageGuardCancelPropertyCostAttribute710HLSp,EX,CS-StrikeStartupActiveRecoveryOverallAdvantageInvulGround: 15Chaos Air: 17Azhi Air: 9Azhi Ground: 8Azhi Air: 4Ground: 32-Ground: -3Azhi Air:-13-Chaos calls Azhi to do a jumping claw swipe. Good for catching jump outs and can be used as an anti-air. Chaining into a whiffed 2A makes this move +10BDamageGuardCancelPropertyCostAttribute820HLSp,EX,CS-StrikeStartupActiveRecoveryOverallAdvantageInvulGround:20Chaos Air:2310-Ground:-3-Charged version of B swipe. The russian blocky police videos youtube.

You cannot charge B swipe if Azhi is in the air. This will pass through an opponent and goes a little bit higher. Good for setting up azhi behind an opponent and for bringing them closer to chaos mid-combo.EXDamageGuardCancelPropertyCostAttribute1672HLCS-StrikeStartupActiveRecoveryOverallAdvantageInvulGround: 1+8Chaos Air: 1+11Azhi Air: 1+85.2Ground: 38-Ground First hit: -2 to -8Second hit: +38 or lessAzhi Air: +6+46-Azhi does a claw swipe similar to the A version.

Great move for punishing whiffs or really just challenging anything in neutral since Azhi is invun. Can be used to cross up if Azhi is behind them by rolling before the last hit. Cancel the first hit into a whiffed 5A or 2A for even more frame advantage.Throw invincible frames 13Touch of Death Touch of Death「噴き付けろ」214XAir O.K. Picture needed:Cha 214X.pngADamageGuardCancelPropertyCostAttribute550HLA-ProjectileStartupActiveRecoveryOverallAdvantageInvulGround: 1934Chaos Air: 221728Air: X+12-3(+13)-Azhi will breathe one fireball. A decent move for zoning but must be space correctly for any kind of decent frame advantage.ADamageGuardCancelPropertyCostAttribute550, 550HLASp,EX-ProjectileStartupActiveRecoveryOverallAdvantageInvulGround: 33Air: 361716Air: X+12-+12 -9-Azhi will breathe two fireballs.

You want to try to use this version more if you can since it gives you excellent frame advantage. This is also your go to meaty move after a j.2C knockdown.BDamageGuardCancelPropertyCostAttribute550HLA-ProjectileStartupActiveRecoveryOverallAdvantageInvulGround: 1936Air: 252128Air: X+12-3(+15)-Same as 214A but Azhi hops further up. You can get better advantage with this then the A version since it gives the fireball more time to travel.BDamageGuardCancelPropertyCostAttribute550, 550HLASp,EX-ProjectileStartupActiveRecoveryOverallAdvantageInvulGround: 36Air: 391716Air: X+12-+15 -6-Azhi breathes two fireballs like the A version but the fireballs move at a slightly different angle.EXDamageGuardCancelPropertyCostAttribute1722HLASp,Ex,CS-ProjectileStartupActiveRecoveryOverallAdvantageInvulGround: 1+1734Air: 1+206912Air: X+12-41 +96-Three fireballs, the last one causes a ground bounce to hard knockdown. Good combo ender for meter combos.Throw invincible frames 13Repel Repel「打ち払え」623XAir O.K.

Picture needed:Cha 623A.pngADamageGuardCancelPropertyCostAttribute570HLSp,EX,CS-StrikeStartupActiveRecoveryOverallAdvantageInvulGround: 23Chaos Air: 26Azhi Air: 14516-Ground: +6Azhi Air: -3-Azhi performs a tail whip. Good for starting Azhi pressure or ending in + frames during blockstrings. Makes an alright anti-air as wellBDamageGuardCancelPropertyCostAttribute690HLSp,EX,CS-StrikeStartupActiveRecoveryOverallAdvantageInvulGround: 27Chaos Air: 30Azhi air: 18512-Ground: +10Azhi Air: +1-Slower version of the A tail whip but Azhi jumps higher and you get more frame advantage.

Similar uses as the A version, although this gives you enough advantage to dash in and reset passing link mid-blockstring if you're close.EXDamageGuardCancelPropertyCostAttribute1278HLSp,Ex,CS-StrikeStartupActiveRecoveryOverallAdvantageInvulGround: 1+13Chaos Air: 1+16Azhi Air: 1+9523-Ground: +19Azhi Air:+18-Azhi does two tail whips that sends your opponent to the other end of the screen. Causes a sliding knockdown.

Kind of outclassed by 214C in combos and doesn't have much use elsewhere. It can be canceled into other azhi moves.Throw invincible frames 13Concealment Concealment「潜め」22XAir O.K. Picture needed:Cha 22A.pngADamageGuardCancelPropertyCostAttribute1139HLASp,EX-StrikeStartupActiveRecoveryOverallAdvantageInvulGround: 37 96.Air: 41 100225 (Azhi)-+28-AKA hide AKA bite. You can cancel this at any point during his disappearance to one of Azhi's specials.

Otherwise, this move has its own data. It's considered by the game to be the same move as 22B. Frame data note: The further away Azhi is from the opponent, the longer the start-up.

If Azhi does not hit the opponent (i.e. Whiff or block), he will growl instead. This growl is not a hitbox. If Azhi does hit the opponent, Azhi will jerk them into the air.Useful for frame trap setups. You can cancel into another special move just before the growl on block.

Throwing an opponent into this move will let you combo off throw.BDamageGuardCancelPropertyCostAttribute1139HLASp,EX-StrikeStartupActiveRecoveryOverallAdvantageInvulGround: 64 123.Air: 68 127537 (Azhi)-+28-Almost the same as 22A but it is slower. Azhi can teleport before or behind the opponent to attack depending on your spacing. Frame data note: The further away Azhi is from the opponent, the longer the start-up. If Azhi does not hit the opponent (i.e. Whiff or block), he will growl instead. If Azhi does hit the opponent, Azhi will jerk them into the air.Useful for cross up setups and frame traps. You can cancel into another special move just before the growl on block.

Throwing an opponent into this move will let you combo off throw.EXDamageGuardCancelPropertyCostAttribute1649HL-StrikeStartupActiveRecoveryOverallAdvantageInvulGround: 1+53Air: 1+57225 (Azhi)-+28-Similar to 22B, but Azhi will always teleport behind the opponent, regardless of spacing. Furthermore, the start-up is always the same. If Azhi does not hit the opponent (i.e. Whiff or block), he will growl instead.

If Azhi does hit the opponent, Azhi will jerk them into the air.Useful for getting Azhi into a threatening position (behind your opponent) even at full screen. You can cancel into another special move just before the growl on block.Throw invincible frames 13Slither Slither「にじれ寄れ」XAir O.K. Picture needed:Cha Azhi Walk.pngA/B/CDamageGuardCancelPropertyCostAttribute-StartupActiveRecoveryOverallAdvantageInvul1-Hold any button to make Azhi move forward toward the opponent. Can be done during block stun or during combos. Can be done with the A, B, or C buttons. A useful way to hold down a button without having to whiff a move is to use A+B to dash, hit back/down-back to cancel the dash, and continue holding A/B. Alternatively Hit D to start concentrating and then quickly hit another button, then let go of D or Shield and start holding a button during the shield.Supers Infinite Worth Barrage Barrage「ダイセクトバラージ」41236D.

Picture needed:Cha IWEXS.pngDamageGuardCancelPropertyCostAttribute3760Mid, Air-200 EXS, Vorpal or GRD BreakStrikeStartupActiveRecoveryOverallAdvantageInvul1+1464767-25126 FullChaos becomes surrounded by a pillar of light which goes into a cinematic on hit. Must have less than 30% health (orange health) to use.

Star control ii walkthrough 3. After the cinematic, characters will be moved to the middle of the stage, regardless of where they were positioned before. Due to the cost, it is usually not recommended to use this move unless it will kill the opponent.Videos.