Everlasting Summer Alisa

Everlasting Summer Alisa Rating: 4,7/5 4186 votes

11) Tell Alisa that you will come. 12) Run away from Ulyana on cleaning up the mess. 13) Tell Olga that you were with Alisa. 14) Give Alisa the Carbon. 15) Go with Alisa to find Shurik. 16) Going with either Lena or Slavya to find strawberries won’t matter. 17) When meeting Alisa in the library, stay on guard. RClubhouserLibraryrStay on guardrInfirmaryrTry to find out about Alisa and Lena arguingrr.rGame.

Well, the title says it all. This article is dedicated to the original Russian visual novel Everlasting Summer, especially, to all endings of the game. It’s obvious that the article is full of spoilers, so don’t read it if you want to finish the entire story without hints!

Seriously, stop reading now as even subtitles are spoilers here.Okay, if you are still here you probably just want to reveal different finals or find answers. Developers of Everlasting Summer are pretty sly folks as even they cannot answer all questions. So here we want to introduce only facts with some slight guesses about the world of the game and its mysteries. But it totally depends on you to believe us or not.It’s time to start! We split the article into several sections each about a certain character and its endings. Sections can contain one or two finals as well as alternative endings from mods.

SemyonAs you probably know, Semyon is the main protagonist of Everlasting Summer. He was a regular man with small apartments and beloved computer, but suddenly traveled to the past and turned into a pioneer in USSR. Semyon’s adventures in the pioneer camp named Sovionok are all about dialogues with locals, mainly, girls.

Regular endings are dedicated to these girls, but players can get also Semyon’s finals. For that, you only have to fail all social interactions.In the camp, Semyon meets Pioneers, his clones from alternate realities.

One of them – «evil» Pioneer – claims that there is no exit from infinite series of adventures in Sovionok. Another guy – «good» Pioneer – expects that Semyon can leave this cycle. At the last day mysterious voice asks the protagonist to follow him. The exact ending depends on your decision to listen to this voice or not.Semyon has both good and bad endings:.

Good ending – don’t listen to the voice.If you refuse to follow voice our hero will return home by bus and continue his ordinary life. But some time later an anonymous «friend» erases memories of Semyon hinting that it’s not the end. Finally, the protagonist decides to meet his college buddies and starts a new round of this cycle. Probably, it’s the best edging for the first run. Bad ending – listen to the voice.If you follow voice, everything will be stranger. Semyon proceeds to the forest but suddenly falls unconscious in this ending.

And that’s the end. Developers stated that bad final of Semyon means the protagonist turned into Pioneer and created another alternative version of Sovionok. But here we don’t get any answers or hints about other endings.

SlavyaUnlike Semyon’s endings, final scenes of almost every girl depend on points. You have to earn at least 6 points to unlock bad ending of a certain girl and at least 9 points to get a good version. For a detailed guide including points and instructions how to get all endings check other articles about the game, especially, «Everlasting Summer: Guide». Here we will only describe final parts of each story.Both Slavya’s endings are cute and calm, without argues or problems.

Semyon will spend more and more time with this girl; protect her and their feelings from adults in the camp etc. Probably, that’s the most beneficial for Semyon route as he becomes more confident and mature during adventures with Slavya.Here we have two endings as well:. Good ending – earn at least 9 points.In this version, the protagonist reveals his real nature and tells Slavya that he is from the future. Pioneers return home by bus where girl finally believes in Semyon’s story and accepts his feelings.

As you can understand, our hero returns to his time, but with a completely new worldview. Semyon starts to enjoy his life and finally meets Slavya in this «reality». Bad ending – earn at least 6 points.Everything is similar to the previous ending, but Semyon doesn’t tell his beloved girl about time travels. Our boy also returns home and changes his mind. Semyon turns into a handsome man with good habits. There is only one difference. Key meet with Slavya doesn’t happen in «real» world.

Amway, this route is still sweet. UlyanaUlyana is the youngest girl of characters with own endings. That’s way her route doesn’t include sexual scenes, even don’t expect! The story is about real friendship, assistance, and funny tricks. Semyon with Ulyana will scare other pioneers, run away from adults, watch movies at night and suffer from house arrests.Ulyana’s endings include both good and bad versions:. Good ending – earn at least 9 points.Semyon tries to protect Ulyana and visits her to cheer up.

Friends enter bus together in good mood and fall asleep. Then Semyon recovers in his apartments, decides to start a new life and returns to college. Later he meets a freshman who is anybody other, as matured Ulyana.

Bad ending – earn at least 6 points.Regular bad endings of girls are all similar. In this one, Ulyana remains under house arrest and Semyon returns home alone. In his world, he also starts studying again. But similar to Slavya’s route there is no meeting with the chosen girl. It’s a bit sad, however. AlisaAlisa is the most favorite character for all fans. Her story features love triangle with Semyon and Lena.

From dialogues with Alisa players can reveal that her friendship with Lena is an illusion and she feels defective. After crucial choice between girls, Semyon will spend the night with Alisa. Drunken sex and hangover distinguish this route from others.Here players can discover regular endings and alternative one:.

Good ending – earn at least 9 points.Semyon and Alisa have to leave the camp by foot as all other pioneers left by bus. The protagonist argues a lot with his sweetheart but finally admits his feelings. Suddenly the bus appears and takes our couple. Then Semyon returns home, starts a new life and so on.

Inspired by Alisa he becomes cool rock-musician and meets his matured camp love at the concert. Alternative good ending – earn at least 9 points.Many fans of Everlasting Summer idolize Alisa.

That’s why one of the developers created an alternative final for her. In «real» life Semyon decided to hire a guitarist for his band. He meets an anonymous musician which is – surprise! The girl remembers everything about the camp and her love. The couple is reunited Yeah, fans were really unsatisfied. Bad ending – earn at least 6 points.Long story short, Semyon fails to confess his love. Alisa ignores all attempts to make up a quarrel, regrets previous night and leaves Semyon alone.

In the regular world, we also see Semyon’s band at the concert, but without Alisa. LenaThe story of this introverted girl is similar to Alisa’s route. If Semyon spends more time with Lena then he will discover her hidden aspects of girl’s image. Lena is extremely shy, she is afraid of showing her real feelings. But with loved ones, this girl can be very confident, expressive and even angry! In Lena’s route, main heroes stay in camp after all pioneers left it.Both finals of this story are mind-blowing and totally different from regular endings:. Good ending – earn at least 9 points.Our couple has sex in emptied camp, but suddenly Semyon wakes up a day earlier and realizes that it was a wonderful dream.

However, his relations with Lena are still nice. Heroes enter the bus, but another surprise awaits here. Semyon doesn’t return to his world, instead of this, he remains in USSR! The couple grows up, marries and creates a family.

From that moment we watch for the happy life of Semyon, Lena, and their children It’s pretty unusual, huh?. Bad ending – earn at least 9 points.Brace yourself, this final is going to be cruel. A lot of fans including us cried and fell into depression after this ending. After sex with Lena Semyon quarrels with the girl and leaves her. Ready to return home our hero waits for Lena, but she is late.

In her cabin Semyon finds Lena covered in blood with slit wrists. The bus takes heartbroken Semyon back in his reality where he repeats Lena’s suicide. Well, this ending is an illusion as well as all others except Yulya’s finals. MikuMiku’s route has only one end that features dreams, horrors and total insanity. Be ready to crazy plot twists. During 4th day Semyon travels to mine shaft alone and lose consciousness there. Abruptly, our hero reveals that he is a regular student-screenwriter which shoots a movie in abandoned pioneer camp.

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All familiar characters are also students or colleagues of Semyon and Miku is his ex-girlfriend, Masha.Semyon and Masha reunite in such romantic place, they love each other on the beach and fall asleep in a cabin. The next day the couple returns to real-or-non-real camp in USSR. Things become weird and wild when pioneers find slaughtered Slavya. From this moment the game turns into literal horror with zombies, predatory insects, maniacs and insane alter-ego of Lena. After several runaways and fights, Semyon with Masha flee from monsters and fall asleep.That dream-in-dream ends and heroes recover on the beach. Semyon realizes that he was inside of his own scenario. Overwhelmed boy understands that he loves Masha, happy end!

But remember that this final is an illusion similar to previous endings. Also, such strange route was initially a single mod, but developers decided to add it to the original game. This explains all the weirdness of the story. YulyaThis hidden character is a cat-girl, Semyon’s fictional alter-ego. Players can unlock finals of Yulya after completing every good ending.

If Semyon enters mine shaft alone he will find Yulya there. The girl reveals that she remembers every week in the camp and every Semyon’s appearances here. The next morning a hometown of our hero appears on the horizon.

Semyon and all girls including Yulya try to reach this city, but the final choice awaits them.This route has different endings without division between good and bad:. Yulya’s ending – return to the camp.If Semyon accepts Yulya’s offer after all other girls also return then you will come back to emptied camp. The couple just stays there and pleasures each other when Pioneers appear.

Alternative versions of the main hero reveal that something went wrong, so they want to return to the real world. Semyon, Yulya, and Pioneers take the bus and leave the camp.In his dream, Semyon meets supernatural entity which we called «meta-Semyon». This creature reveals all mysteries of the camp, claims that Yulya is an alter-ego of our hero and returns Semyon after adventures in his world. Here you can choose which girl including Yulya (sic!) to wake up. Summer sun shines as Semyon wakes up with his loveMany fans appraise this ending as a real one. But it isn’t. Semyon remains in his ideal world of illusions.

For example, he can choose Yulya as his desired girl, but seconds before «meta-Semyon» claimed that Yulya is non-real at all! Also, Semyon started his journey in winter and wakes up with a girl in summer. Sad, but true that Yulya’s ending isn’t real and isn’t final. Harem ending – proceed to the city.If you want to reveal a single true final be sure to keep moving. The bus with all girls and adults from the camp will appear. Semyon falls asleep as usual, but in his apartments remembers every previous good ending! Stunned boy tries to realize what happened when all matured girls excluding Yulya - really, she exists only in Semyon’s head – appear on the doorstep.Girls reveal that they had their own versions of Sovionok, but Semyon weakened this trap.

Slavya, Ulyana, Alisa, Lena, and Miku connected their camps and returned to the real world. All characters decide to solve mysteries of time travels and alternative realities together. And yes, this ending is the only real, but even doesn’t answer all questions.Try to reveal secrets of Everlasting Summer and create your own version of its events! Video games are entertaining. A simple but truthful statement. Since the golden age of the arcade, various types and genres of video games have brought millions of people the entertainment that could never be matched.

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Day 1:⦁Relpy (+1)(1)Day 2:⦁Go get the cards with Slavya (+1)(2)⦁Do not bet with Alisa (2)⦁Lose the tournament (2)⦁Go to the bus stop (+1)(3)Day 3:⦁You know, Olga Dmitrievna asked me to help her tonight. (3)⦁Who cares? I'd better keep on looking for answers (3)⦁I'd rather help Slavya (+1)(4)⦁Run away (+1)(5)⦁Go to Olga Dmitrievna's house (5)⦁Do not ask about the bundle (+1)(6)⦁. Go with Slavya (6)Day 5:⦁Go to the canteen (side option to get a CG with Miku that you can't get during her route)(6)⦁Go with Slavya (+1)(7)⦁Thanks to the girls' help! (+1)(8)⦁Do nothing, just stay seated (8)⦁Try to find Slavya (8)Day 6:⦁I want to get something for Slavya (+1)(9)⦁I have nothing to justify myself for! Day 1:⦁Relpy (+1)(1)Day 2:⦁Go get the cards with Slavya (+1)(2)⦁Do not bet with Alisa (2)⦁Lose the tournament (2)⦁Go to the bus stop (+1)(3)Day 3:⦁You know, Olga Dmitrievna asked me to help her tonight.

(3)⦁Who cares? I'd better keep on looking for answers (3)⦁I'd rather help Slavya (+1)(4)⦁Run away (+1)(5)⦁Olga Dmitrievna's house (5)⦁Do not ask about the bundle (+1)(6)⦁. Go with Slavya (6)Day 5:⦁Go to the Infirmary (side option to get a CG with Viola that you can't get otherwise (6)⦁Go with Slavya (+1)(7)⦁Thanks to the girls' help! (+1)(8)⦁Do nothing, just stay seated (8)⦁Try to find Slavya (8)Day 6:⦁I was just hungry (8)⦁We have no reason to justify ourselves! Day 1:⦁Do nothing (+1)(1)Day 2:⦁Bet with Alisa (+2)(3)⦁Win the Tournament (+2)(5)Day 3:⦁You know, Olga Dmitrievna asked me to help her tonight. (5)⦁I should go take a look (+1)(6)⦁Okay, I'll come (+1)(7)⦁Tell her that you've been with Alisa (7)Day 4:⦁Go to the Boat House (7)⦁Go to the Forest (side option to get a CG with Electronik that you can't get otherwise (7)⦁Give Alisa the activated carbon (+1)(8)⦁.

Go with Alisa (8)Day 5:⦁Try to snatch the book out of Alisa's hand (8)⦁Try to find out what Alisa and Lena are arguing about (8)End. Day 1:⦁Praise the book (+1)(1)Day 2:⦁Do not bet with Alisa (+1)(2)⦁Lose the tournament to Lena (+1)(3)⦁Go to the sports field (3)Day 3:⦁Sorry, but I promised Lena (+1)(4)⦁Okay, I'll come (+1)(5)⦁I should go take a look (5)⦁Okay, I'll come (-1)(4)⦁Go to the dance party (4)Day 4:⦁I think you'd look gorgeous in it (+1)(5)⦁.go with Lena (5)⦁Tell her you went alone (+1)(6)Day 5:⦁Go with Slavya (6)⦁Try to find out what Alisa and Lena are arguing about (6)Day 6:⦁Help Alisa (+1)(7)End. Day 1:⦁Attempt to take the cutlet (+1)(1)Day 2:⦁ Go to the canteen (+1)(2)⦁Lose the tournament to Ulyana (2)⦁Go to the scene (+1)(3)Day 3:⦁You know, Olga Dmitrievna asked me to help her tonight. (3)⦁Who cares?

I'd better keep on looking for answers (3)⦁Fine, I'll help the sports club (+1)(4)⦁Stay and and help Ulyana with cleaning up (+1)(5)Day 4:⦁Got food poisoning from the canteen?(+1)(6)⦁.go with Ulyana (6)Day 5:⦁ Go to the clubhouse (6)⦁Refuse (+1)(7)⦁Do nothing, just stay seated (7)⦁Go to Ulyana (7)Day 6-7:⦁Try to stop her verbally (+1)(8)⦁That's all my fault. Day 1:⦁Attempt to take the cutlet (+1)(1)Day 2:⦁ Go to the canteen (+1)(2)⦁Lose the tournament to Ulyana (2)⦁Go to the scene (+1)(3)Day 3:⦁You know, Olga Dmitrievna asked me to help her tonight. (3)⦁Who cares? I'd better keep on looking for answers (3)⦁Fine, I'll help the sports club (+1)(4)⦁Stay and and help Ulyana with cleaning up (+1)(5)Day 4:⦁Got food poisoning from the canteen?(+1)(6)⦁.go with Ulyana (6)Day 5:⦁ Go to the clubhouse (6)⦁Refuse (+1)(7)⦁Do nothing, just stay seated (7)⦁Go to Ulyana (7)Day 6-7:⦁Try to stop her verbally (+1)(8)⦁That's all her fault! This is the second special route, you have to finish at all of the good endings (Slavya, Lena, Alisa, Ulyana, and Semyon) and also get Miku's ending.

Afterwards it will automatically unlock Yulya's Ending and the Harem Ending.Prologue:⦁Yes, I'll come with youDay 1:⦁Leave the keysDay 3:⦁You know, Olga Dmitrievna asked me to help her tonight.⦁Who cares? I'd better keep on looking for answers⦁Run away⦁I think I'd rather assist the guys with their giant robot engineeringDay 4:⦁Eat the apple⦁.go aloneDay.:⦁Go back⦁ Save before making this choice, choose each girl and reload shortly afterwards so that you can get a CG of each of themEnd. This is the third special route, you have to finish at all of the good endings (Slavya, Lena, Alisa, Ulyana, and Semyon) and also get Miku's ending. Afterwards it will automatically unlock Yulya's Ending and the Harem Ending.Prologue:⦁Yes, I'll come with youDay 1:⦁Leave the keysDay 3:⦁You know, Olga Dmitrievna asked me to help her tonight.⦁Who cares?

I'd better keep on looking for answers⦁Run away⦁I think I'd rather assist the guys with their giant robot engineeringDay 4:⦁Eat the apple⦁.go aloneDay.:⦁Keep goingEnd.