Lords Of Magic Life

Lords Of Magic Life Rating: 3,7/5 4873 votes

Lords of Magic Artifact List AIR WarriorThunderbladeAir and Fire warriors gain +4 Attack and +2 Armor. Air warriors get improved melee speed, +1 Fame, and may cast one Thunderclap per day, stunning enemies in a largeradius.AIR WarriorKapelke's RingAir, Life, and Order Champions get +1 Armor and +2 Overland movement. The ring casts Heal once per day.AIR WarriorFeather Chain MailAir and Fire warriors gain +3 Armor. Air warriors also get +2 Dexterity and +2 Overland movement. Resists Earth magic very well and gives good resistance versus otherfaiths.AIR MageStaff of AsphyxiationAll mages gain +6 Mana. Air mages get excellent resistance to Earth magic and good resistance to all other magic.


Lords of Magic Special Edition 537 MB. These are black days for Urak. Evil envelops the land and the people cry out for a savior. For a thousand years, peace reigned on the pastoral lands of Urak.Then forces of darkness, led by the evil sorcerer Balkoth, unleashed a nightmare of war and terrorism that destroyed the people and laid waste to the land. The Legends of Urak Restoration Project is meant to be filling out the empty Legend spaces referring to Life, Chaos, Water and Air adventures, which were not included into Lords Of Magic: Special Edition for some reason. Most likely, these Legends were never created because of the lacking time. We will never know for sure.

Cast Asphyxiate once per day, and might asphyxiateopponents who are physically struck.AIR MageRing of the Four WindsAll mages get +1 Armor, +3 Mana and some magic resistance. Air followers also gain resistance to missiles & +3 armor.AIR MageEyes of the HawkLife, Order and Air mages and warriors get +3 Mana and +3 sight radius, and can cast Seer spell.AIR ThiefBow of QuaalAir and Life thieves gain +2 Dexterity, +2 ranged attack, +2 missile range and +1 rate of fire. Air thieves have a chance of slowing targets on impact.AIR ThiefAramoug's AmuletAll thieves get +2 Armor from this pendant. Air thieves get +2 sight range plus one Area Stun spell per day, affecting enemies in a large radius.AIR ThiefPixie DustAir, Chaos & Life thieves can unleash Pixies, reducing targets' sight radius by 2 and dexterity by 1. In combat, reduces target's missile range by 1 for each hitscored by wielder.FIRE WarriorSword of FlamesAir and Fire warriors gain +3 to attacks.

Fire warriors improve combat speeds and get +3 Luck and +1 Armor. The sword casts Firedart, and can burn enemies for extradamage.FIRE WarriorRing of BrimstoneAll Fire followers can wear and cast Fireheal, restoring 5 hit points in 10 seconds. Wielder gets +2 movement and recovers all hit points at end of battle.FIRE WarriorDragon Scale ArmorAir and Fire warriors gain +3 Armor, some resistance to Water magic, and very good Fire resistance. If armor is worn by Fire unit, enemy might be struck with Firedart.FIRE MageStaff of IncinerationMages get +6 mana and can cast Backdraft, a multiple Fireball spell. Fire mages gain +3 Armor, high resistance to Water magic and some resistance to other magic, plusslight chance of Scalding enemies in melee.FIRE MageRing of EmbersFire, Death and Chaos mages get +2 Armor.

Fire mage gains +3 Mana, some Water resistance and weak resistance to other magic. If worn by Fire mage, attacker might sufferScald, losing 1 hit point every 2 seconds for 10 seconds.FIRE MageEternal FlameThis holy relic enhances the skill and power of Fire followers. Increases life force, extending it beyond its limits, and offers minor protection against harm.FIRE ThiefThe SpitfireOrder thieves get +2 ranged attack, +1 missile range & +1 missile speed. Fire thieves get +3 ranged attack, +2 missile range, +2 missile speed & +5 rate offire. Both can cast Fireball.FIRE ThiefRing of the Dancing FlameThis ring may be wielded by any Fire follower, who will gain +2 Armor, +2 Dexterity, +2 movement, and +3 gold per turn.FIRE ThiefBorchert's TorchAny thief gets +1 sight radius, +2 Movement, weak magic resistance and +2 combat speed. Savage resurrection gameplay. Fire thieves also get +3 sight radius and greater missile range.EARTH WarriorDwarven Axe of MaulingChaos warriors gain +2 Attack and can cast Tremor.

Earth warriors get +3 Attack, +3 rate of attack, +2000 Experience, +1 Fame, and can also cast Tremor.EARTH WarriorCrystal RingAll warriors gain +2 Armor, +2 hit recovery and some resistance to Air magic, and recover all hit points at the end of combat. Earth warriors also get +1 Attack andstronger Air resistance.EARTH WarriorObsidian PlateEarth, Death and Order warriors regain all hit points after combat, plus +2 Armor and +3 gold per turn. Earth warriors get +3 Armor and good resistance to Air magic,and regenerate 1 hit point every 7 seconds in battle.EARTH MageGorgon's StaffAll mages gain +1 Attack, +1 armor and +3 wisdom, and can cast Petrify, which turns one victim to stone regardless of level. Earth mages get +2 Attack, +2 Armor and+6 Wisdom, and might Petrify opponents struck in melee.EARTH MageStone RingAny mage acquires +2 Armor, minor resistance to all magic and the power to cast Clay Earth. Earth mages enjoy fair magic resistance, and good resistance versus Air.EARTH MageCrystalmightOnly Earth mages can use this artifact, which imparts +3 Mana, +1000 experience and +2 crystals per level of the wielder.EARTH ThiefBow of BalladrineEarth, Life and Air thieves gain +2 ranged attack, +1 missile range and +1 rate of fire, and can cast Rocksling. Earth thieves also get +3 ranged attack and improvedstealth.EARTH ThiefRing of EntanglementAll thieves covet this ring, which imparts +1 Armor, +2 Dexterity and +2 Movement, plus the ability to cast Entanglement.EARTH ThiefLuckstoneAll get +3 Luck, a small boost to many other skills, and good resistance to Air magic.WATER WarriorTidalbladeWater, Death or Order warriors get +2 Attack, +2 Dexterity and +1 rate of attack. Water warriors' attack rate increases +3, and their Fame rises +1.

Bearer can castIce Bolt. The blade's rusting effect can cause -1 to enemy Armor with each hit.WATER WarriorCoral ShieldDeath, Order and Chaos warriors get +2 Armor, +2 Strength, good resistance to Fire and fair resistance to all other mages.

Water warriors get the same, but with +3Armor.WATER WarriorSharktoothWater gains +2 Strength and +1000 experience, and will heal 1 hit point every 3 seconds during combat, recovering fully at the end of battle. They can also cast Quicksilver.WATER MageStaff of DrowningAny mage can fill the lungs of all enemies in a radius with water. Heals Water units. Boosts a mage's magic reserves and offers some protection.WATER MageRocca's ChaliceAll get +2 Wisdom and +1 ale per level of the bearer per turn & will create a random potion each turn. Water, gets +500 experience.WATER MageRing of the ElementsAny mage can wear this ring and receive +2 Armor, +3 Mana, and some resistance to elemental magic.

Water mages resist elemental magic especially well.WATER ThiefBlowgun of the AmazonsWater thieves. Makes a chilling attack that can seal an enemy in ice. Casts Icebolt & increases ranged attacks & rate of fire.WATER ThiefRing of ShelterWater, Order and Life thieves gain +2 Armor and good resistance to Fire, and can cast a concealing Steam Cloud.WATER ThiefAmulet of PersuasionAny thief will negotiate better with +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Movement, improved Stealth and +250 experience.ORDER WarriorGuardianDeath & Water warriors get +2 Attack, +2 Luck, +2 rate of attack and +1 Fame per turn. Order warriors further get +3 Attack & +3 Luck.

Small chance to killenemies instantly. Casts Morale at beginning of battle, adding +1 Attack and Armor to friendly units.ORDER WarriorArmor of InspirationDeath and Order warriors get +2 Armor from this mail, which can 'lash out' at attackers. Jawbreaker trailer. Order warriors enjoy improved combat speed and moderate Chaos magic resistancefor the entire army.ORDER WarriorShield of RighteousnessOrder, Chaos, Death and Water warriors gain +1 Armor, and can cast Leadership. Order warriors get +500 experience.ORDER MageRing of ProductivityOrder followers get +2 Armor, +6 Mana and good magic resistance. Each turn, one aspect of production gains +2 per level of the wielder.

Can cast Bureaucracy, reducingenemy cities' production by 1 per level of the wielder for 1 turn.ORDER MageStaff of EnlightenmentOrder, Air and Life mages get +2 Armor and +1000 experience, and can cast Guardian Winds.ORDER MageAmulet of ControlAny mage will gain +2 Armor & some magic resistance. The Amulet itself has limited charges for casting Possession. Order mages also get good resistance to Chaosmagic.ORDER ThiefCrossbow of BalanceFire thieves gain +2 ranged attack, +1 missile range & +2 rate of fire. Order thieves get +3 ranged attack, +2 missile range & +5 rate of fire. Both - improvedStealth & can cast Righteous Bolt.ORDER ThiefRing of ConcentrationAny thief adds +4 to maximum hit points, +2 sight radius and +3 Luck. Order thieves also get +2 Movement & +500 experience.ORDER ThiefAmulet of OrderAll Order, Life or Water gains +2 Armor, +2 Strength and some magic resistance.

Order followers regenerate 1 hit point every 7 seconds in battle and regain all hitpoints after every battle.LIFE WarriorStaff of LightLife warriors and mages gain +4 Attack and +2 Armor, and can cast Ray of Hope. Casts Holy Visit at the beginning of battle.

Wearer regenerates 1 hit point every 3 secondsin combat and regains full health at battle's end.LIFE WarriorElven Chain MailLife and Water warriors gain +3 Armor, +1 Fame, weak resistance to all magic and good resistance to Death magic. If a Life wielder's hit points fall below 5, armorwill teleport wearer to a random location on the battle map.LIFE WarriorRing of HealingAll but Death get +1 Armor and +10 hit points, and restores full health after a battle. Wearer can cast Heal.LIFE MageStaff of ResurrectionAny mage gains +2 Armor, +6 Mana, and ability to cast Resurrection. Sometimes unleashes Spirit Arrow in melee. Life mages get good Death resistance, regenerate 1hitpoint every 3 seconds in battle & regain full health after combat.LIFE MageChalice of LifeAny mage may cast Dispel Magic & gain some resistance to elemental magic. Life mage gets +3 Armor and +3 Wisdom.

Life, Death, Order and Chaos mages get fair resistanceto arcane magic.LIFE MageRing of ArcanaAny mage may cast Dispel Magic, and gains some resistance to elemental magic. Life mage gets +3 Armor and +3 Wisdom. All mages get fair resistance to arcane magic.LIFE ThiefBow of BakalAir, Life & Earth thieves get +1 ranged attack, +2 missile range and +1 rate of fire, and can cast Spirit Arrow.

Life thieves also gain +2 ranged attack and highresistance to missile attacks.LIFE ThiefRing of RedemptionAll thieves get +2 Attack, +1 Armor & +2 Luck & might cause Confusion when striking enemies. Life thieves also gain +2 Movement.LIFE ThiefAmulet of RevelationAny thief gets +2 Armor, +2 Movement, +2 sight radius, and can cast Life Detect. Restores full health at the end of every battle.CHAOS WarriorAxe of ChaosGives Chaos and Earth warriors -2 to +6 Attack, -2 to +4 rate of attack and -2 to +4 hit recovery. Chaos warriors also get +3 Luck, +1500 experience, and small chanceof unleashing Petrify, Polymorph Other, Lightning Bolt or Curse in melee.CHAOS WarriorAmulet of IndecisionAny Champion gains +2 Armor, +10 maximum hit points and +1 Luck. Chaos wielders might freeze stricken enemy in Icy Coffin.

In Capital or dungeon, victim freezes for1 minute. Outside, victim is expelled from combat or caught in Icy Coffin.CHAOS WarriorHelm of AsymmetryChaos warriors gain +4 Armor, +2 sight radius, some magic resistance and good resistance to Order magic.

Earth warriors get +2 armor and the magic resistances.CHAOS MageStaff of PolymorphingAny mage gains +3 Attack & +6 Wisdom & can cast Polymorph Other. Chaos mages also get +2 Armor, and a chance their enemy will succumb to Polymorph Other whenhit in melee.CHAOS MageAmulet of IllusionAny Chaos Champion gains +3 Armor, +3 Mana and +2 Movement, plus the ability to cast Confusion.CHAOS MageRing of AnythingAny mage can wear this ring, and get +1 resources per level, randomly selected each turn. Can randomly cast Heal, Commune with Nature, Fireball or Polymorph Self eachturn.CHAOS ThiefAmulet of FateAny thief gains +2 Dexterity, +3 Luck, +1 gold per level of the wielder each turn, and ability to cast Polymorph Self. Chaos thieves gain +2000 experience and +4 Dexterity.CHAOS ThiefRing of MazesAny thief will gain +2 Strength, +2 Movement and the ability to cast Confusion. Chaos thieves also get +2 sight radius.CHAOS ThiefChakram of EntropyChaos thief gets +3 ranged attack, +2 missile range, +1 rate of fire & fair resistance to missile attacks.

Might randomly teleport enemy to another part of thecombat arena when hit.DEATH WarriorSoul StealerWater & Order warriors get +2 Attack, +2 rate of attack. Death warriors get +3 Attack and +1 Armor, plus small chance of vorpal attack, killing unit and givingwielder +200 experience. Both can cast Curse.DEATH WarriorEbony Plate of the VoidDeath, Order & Earth warriors gain +2 Armor & some resistance to magic. Death warriors derive +3 Armor and fair resistance to Life magic, plus a chance thatopponents will Decay when hit.DEATH WarriorRing of LeechesChampions of Death get +1 Armor and +1 Strength and can cast Leeches, transferring 4 hit points from the target to the wearer.DEATH MageStaff of AnimationAll mages get +1 Armor & can cast Raise Shade.

Casts Cure Wounds on wielder at start of combat. Death mages also get +3 Attack and +6 Mana.DEATH MageRing of Azz'taruthAny mage who wears this ring gains +1 Armor, +3 Mana, and can cast Decay. Death mages gain some magic resistance.DEATH MageLich CloakDeath, Fire, Chaos & Earth mages get +2 Armor & +3 Mana, high resistance to Life, some resistance to Air, Water and Order, and some resistance to Fire, Earthand Chaos.

A Death mage killed while wearing becomes a vampire.DEATH ThiefKnife of Life StealingDeath thief gets +2 Attack, +2 ranged attack, +1 missile range & +1 rate of fire. Victim may be paralyzed, losing 1000 experience.DEATH ThiefAmulet of PoisonAny thief may wear this bauble, for +2 Armor and improved Stealth. Death thieves might poison victims on attack.DEATH ThiefAshes of InfestationChampions of Death will gain +1 Attack, +1 Armor, +2 Luck, and ability to cast Spawn.