Tales Of Vesperia Artes

Tales Of Vesperia Artes Rating: 3,9/5 8459 votes

Cookie dozer for windows. I also played with changing the second argument without any luck. I'd like to do something like: ArrayList objects = new ArrayList.DozerBeanMapper MAPPER = new DozerBeanMapper.ArrayList newObjects = MAPPER.map(objects.);Assuming: com.me.CustomObjectcom.me.NewObjectidid2I tried: ArrayList holder = new ArrayList;MAPPER.map(objects, holder);but the holder object is empty.

Barren roads android. Even though Artes consume TP, you want to use them often as many stronger Artes are unlocked by using weaker Artes a certain number of times.

  • 1Base Artes
  • 2Arcane Artes

Base Artes[edit]

ArteTP useElementFatal StrikeLearnedMisc Info
Dragon Upper6
  • Adds an extra slash when Attack Arte Charge skill is equipped and Mighty Charge is used
  • After 200 uses, can be canceled into any aerial-enabled arte
Destroying Rock10EarthRedLevel 12
  • Adds more hits when Attack Arte Charge skill is equipped and Mighty Charge is used
Nice Aid Smash12
Level 14
  • Heals 18% HP to all allies within the small area
  • Range increases in size when Healing Arte Charge skill is equipped and Mighty Charge is used
  • Range also increases with arte use
Destructo Pain Shot12
GreenLevel 18
  • Decreases enemy's P. DEF by 90% for 5 seconds
  • Effect time increases when Support Arte Charge skill is equipped and Mighty Charge is used
Lightning Wave14Fire/WindRedLevel 20
  • Damage increase by 20% in rain or sandstorm
Nice Recovery Smash18
Level 21
  • Cures all physical status effects for all allies within a small area
  • Range increases in size when Healing Arte Charge skill is equipped and Mighty Charge is used
  • Range also increases with arte use
Punishing Smash18
GreenLevel 24
  • Adds an extra spin when Attack Arte Charge skill is equipped and Mighty Charge is used
  • Axe weapons spin faster than the other weapons
Destructo Spider Web22
GreenLevel 28
  • Decreases enemy's movement speed by 50% for 5 seconds
  • Effect time increases when Support Arte Change skill is equipped and Mighty Charge is used
Havoc Break15
RedLevel 32
  • After 100 uses, can be used in midair
Coil Beat8
Level 36
  • Increases P. ATK by 20% for 10 seconds
Roaring Revolution18
GreenLevel 38
  • Spins faster when Attack Arte Charge skill is equipped and Mighty Charge is used
Gaia Bug15
Level 40
  • Throws either a mouse, a mouse trap, or a 'Karolow X'
Destructo Booing22
GreenLevel 44
  • Decreases enemy's P. ATK by 90% for 5 seconds
  • Effect time increases when Support Arte Charge skill is equipped and Mighty Charge is used
Bug Breath17
  • Obtained in a cutscene in Keiv Moc
  • Sweeps spray from left to right when Attack Arte Charge is equipped and Mighty Charge is used

Altered Artes[edit]

ArteOriginal ArteTP useElementFatal StrikeSkillMisc Info
Destruction StreetDestruction Rock16EarthRed
  • Alembic
  • Slams the ground 5 times when Attack Arte Charge skill is equipped and Mighty Charge is used
Nice Healing SmashNice Aid Smash22
  • Great Deluge
  • Heals 36% HP to all allies within a small area
  • Range increases when Healing Arte Charge skill is equipped and Mighty Charge is used
  • Range also increases with arte use
Nice Curing SmashNice Healing Smash30
  • Great Deluge
  • Crucible
  • Heals 50% HP to all allies within a small area
  • Range increases when Healing Arte Charge skill is equipped and Mighty Charge is used
  • Range also increases with arte use
Twin Punishing SmashPunishing Smash20
  • Chain
  • Spin faster when Attack Arte Charge is equipped and Mighty Chage is used
  • Also spins faster when an axe weapon is equipped
Havoc ThunderHavoc Break22
  • Hell Fire
  • Gale
  • After 100 uses, can be used in mid-air
  • Has a 30% chance of stunning
  • Stun chance increases when Attack Arte Charge skill is equipped and Mighty Charge is used

Arcane Artes[edit]

ArteTP useElementFatal StrikeLearnedMisc Info
Hammer Flow Upper22
BlueLevel 22
  • Adds an extra slash when Attack Arte Charge is equipped and Mighty Charge is used
Punishing Aid Smash24
RedLevel 26
  • Must use Punishing Smash at least 50 times in order to learn
  • Must use Nice Aid Smash at least 50 times in order to learn
  • Heals HP to all allies within a small area
  • Range increases when Healing Arte Charge skill is equipped and Mighty Charge is used
  • Range also increase with arte use
Reaper Knock28
BlueLevel 30
  • Shoots out 3 balls when Attack Arte Charge skill is equipped and Mighty Charge is used
Punishing Blast Flash22FireGreenLevel 35
Roaring Dragon Blow28
BlueLevel 42
  • Must use Roaring Revolution at least 50 time in order to learn
  • Must use Dragon Upper at least 50 times in order to learn
  • Adds an extra uppercut when Attack Arte Charge skill is equipped and Mighty Charge is used
Devil Rage Rise30
BlueLevel 49
Ultimate Divine Destruction34
RedLevel 55
Rending Drop32EarthRedevent
  • Train with Nan in Capua Torim after Aurnion is built
  • After 100 uses, can be used in mid-air

Altered Artes[edit]

ArteOriginal ArteTP useElementFatal StrikeSkillMisc Info
Death Quake SparkUltimate Divine Destruction38EarthBlue
  • Athenor
  • After 100 uses, can be used in mid-air
  • Range increases with hammer weapons
  • Range decreases with axe weapons

Burst Artes[edit]

ArteElementFatal StrikeSkill
Ultra Punishing Swing
Ultra Punishing HeatFireGreen
  • Hell Fire
  • Chain
Ultra Punishing CrushEarthRed
  • Athenor
  • Crucible
Ultra Punishing TyphoonWindGreen
  • Gale
  • Alembic
Ultra Punishing SoulWaterBlue
  • Great Deluge
  • Dispersion

Mystic Arte[edit]

ArteElementRequirementsMisc Info
Overlord Reign Impace
  • The skill Special must be equipped
  • Be in Level 3/4 Overlimit
  • Hold the Attack button during any arcane, altered, or burst arte
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Last edited by Kratos on 8 November 2010 at 07:41
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