The Longest Journey Is The Journey Inward

The Longest Journey Is The Journey Inward Rating: 3,9/5 8730 votes

The longest journey is the journey inward. February 14. Otherwise the only lights in the distance are the lights from the lamps inside the houses scattered all over the plains but they are often times far apart that they look like glowing yellow stars from the distance.

Goto the corridor and talk to Zack.

Corteztold you yesterday to visit Father Raul in Hope Street Cathedral.
Goto the Subway Station and travel to Hope Street.
Goright to the Cathedral. Inside, go right to the Confessionals and talkto Father Raul.
Hewill give you the location of Warren, who painted the picture Cortez showedyou in Roma Gallery.

Returnto Hope street, slum block 87, to the left. There you'll find a black boy.
Talkto him. After a while you realize that he is Warren. Warren agrees to helpyou, but only if you go to the Police Station at Metro West, and find thefiles on him and his family.

Takethe subway to Metro West and go right to the Police Station. Talk to thecop outside. You'll learn that all doors are stuck, and only Garbage Trucksare allowed to enter the only gate that is open.

Returnto the street. You see a garbage container. You also see Garbage Trucks,but they all turn at the roadblock.
Lookat the ROADBLOCK. It shows a code. Look at the two STREET SIGNS. One isthe same as the code on the container the other is different.
Goback to the Roadblock. First Look at it then use the hand. If you havelooked at both street signs, you will automatically enter the right code,and the roadblock moves to block the other street.
Jumpinto the container. After a little while a garbage truck will pick youup.

Inthe next scene you are inside the police station. Talk to the woman atthe counter.
Sherefuses to let you in. Talk to her until you learn that the workmen arehaving lunch.

Talkto the fat workman. Talk to him until he mentions that a special form isneeded to make them go to work.
Goto the Sliding Doors, and look at the Toolbox on the floor.
Thereis a piece of paper in there, pick it up it is an old form.

Tryto give the form to the fat man, he will reject it and tell you the numberof the needed form.
Goto the woman behind the counter and ask for that form.
Usethis new form on the fat man, he will reject it again and tell there isan A missing .
Goto the woman behind the counter and ask for this form with an A.
Nowyou have got the correct form, and both men go to work on the doors.

Tobe able to enter, you must get them away from the doors.
Lookat the two Videophones. On one of them you can read the number. Go to theother phone and choose this number, when you are asked for one.

Then,while the phone is ringing run to the fat man and tell he has a phone call.
Whenhe goes, tell the thin man that he also has a call. You have to tell himseveral times before he goes.

Whenthey are gone pick up the SCREWDRIVER on the floor.

Connect(take) the cables in the control panel. When the door opens try to getthrough.
Thewoman in the counter sees you and forbids you to go there. You must diverther.
Goto the woman at the counter and click on the shelves high up. You'll getthe the code for a form that is difficult to reach. Ask for that form andwhen she turns her back to you, run to the Control Panel, connect the treadson the wall, and pass through the door.

Youenter a corridor and see a Cola Machine and the Archive door.
Lookat the scanner outside the door and notice that it is a Retina Scanner.But how on earth can you get an eye from a person who has access to theroom.

Gointo the Locker Room to the far left and examine ALL LOCKERS. Yo'll learnsome names.
Youhear someone growling painfully from the toilet and start to talk to him.
Hetells his name, Minelli, and asks who you are. Choose the name of the femalecop you saw on the locker, Maria Hernandez.
Minelliputs his key under the door and asks you to fetch his medicine.

Youhave seen Minelli's locker. It's the first from the left.
Openit and examine it carefully. You'll find an empty box for a false eye.So Minelli has a false eye. Something for the Retina Scanner?
Themirror is broken. Look at the SHARD in the corner, then take it. Look atthe paper behind and read it.
Vitalinformation. Minelli has used his wife's name and birth date as his passwordto the computer.
Takethe MEDICINE BOTTLE from the inventory and put it on the floor at Minelli'sfeet.
Talkto him until he tells you the date of his wife's birthday.

Clickthe LIGHT SWITCH on the wall, to the right of the toilet and take the MONKEYEYE from the inventory.
WhenMinelli says he has dropped his eye, quickly put the MONKEY EYE next tothe ARTIFICIAL EYE, and take it.
Minellipicks up the wrong eye, and starts screaming for a doctor. Quickly runout into the corridor.

Atthe Archive door use the ARTIFICIAL EYE on the RETINA SCANNER. The ArchiveDoor opens, enter.

Clickon the COMPUTER (on the top wall) and April will enter the password. ClickSEARCH and choose the name WARREN HUGHES.
Youget the file. Read it. First click DELETE then click PRINT. You can hearthe printer starting. Look at the computer again. You have killed Warren.Look for his sister's name and colonisation number and click on it. (Youmust do this to get the data among your search choices.) Click SEARCH again.This time choose Erica's colonisation number. (There is nothing on hername.) When you get the file, PRINT it.
Nowsearch for info about the Church of Voltec and Jacob McAllen. When youget Mc Allen's file you get a message to report at headquarters. Look atthe bottom of the screen and click on CONTINUE. At the bottom right onthe next page, you will get a code consisting of 4 symbols, writethem down. Log out.

Ragdoll for sale pa. Goto the other terminal (the bottom wall) and enter the four code symbols(When you point at the keyboard, you can see the numbers of each key. Theright combination is 11, 16, 1, 8. The machine will fetch a folder. Lookat the folder in the inventory, You'll learn there is an item inside, takethe item. It is a DATA CUBE.

Goto the printer and take the PRINTOUT, then leave the Archive,
Inthe corridor stop and use your CASH CARD on the machine to buy a can ofBINGO COLA.
Leavethe Police Station.

Rated 4 out of 5 by Streva from Fun Nancy Drew Game! Rating 4.4 for a Nancy Drew Game If you have not played a Nancy Drew game, be sure to play the trial version before buying this game because ND games are different from most Big Fish games. There were only a few puzzles in the entire game and no HOs. Nancy drew the final scene big fish.

Outsideis a wreck of a crashed aircraft. Take a look at it. You see a thing hangingfrom the side. Look closer and you see it is an ANTI-GRAV CONTROL UNIT.Then hurry back to Warren at Hope Street 87.

GiveWarren the PRINTOUT, and he tells you the address of his friend Burns Flipper.

Takethe Metro and go to the Harbor Area. Go up the stairs and then one wholescreen to the right. On the next Screen Flipper's Garage is at the farright.
Tothe right of the Garage door, there is a Paint Shaker.
Usethe COLA Can on the PAINT SHAKER. You'll get an INFLATED COLA CAN readyto burst.
Knockon the garage door three times and persuade Flipper to let you in.

The longest journey is the journey inward meaning

Talkto Flipper.
Givehim the DATA CUBE to get more info about The Voltec Church.
AskFlipper to get you an ID-Card. He wants 15 000$. Talk to him until he mentionsthat he needs a new
ANTI-GRAVCONTROL UNIT. You remember the one you saw at the wreck and ask him ifhe will take such a unit instead of money. When he agrees, return to MetroWest and the Wreck.

ACop guards the wreck and won't let you near it. Talk to him until he agreesthat he is thirsty, then give him the INFLATED COLA . It bursts and hehas to return to the station to change.
Aroundthe wrecked aircraft, there is a laser fence. Use the SHARD on the LASERBEAM to deflect it. Use the SCREWDRIVER on the ANTI-GRAV CONTROL UNIT toloosen it, than take it.

Returnto Burns Flipper and give him the ANTI-GRAV CONTROL UNIT.
Hetells you to come back for the ID CARD later.

Youhave promised to meet Cortez at Hope Street Cathedral. Travel there byMetro and talk to Cortez.

Returnhome. You'll find Zack spying in the corridor and Emma and Charlie waitinginside.
Talkto them and tell them as much as you can. Ask them to tell you if theysee strangers around.
Whenthey leave, go to sleep.