Aura Kingdom Private Server

Aura Kingdom Private Server Rating: 5,0/5 4721 votes

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Requirements. A bit knowledge on Linux. Either or. (yokohiro's thread).

/. Windows 7/8/10. Navicat. Gardens inc 4 blooming stars walkthrough. Notepad. SecureCRT.

WinScpOther Downloads. (yokohiro's thread)Please note: I will be using Virtual Box because it's free. For VMWare users please try your best to follow along.The Guide1. Start up Virtual Box.2.

Click on 'New' and name your virtual machine whatever you want. Set the 'Type' to 'Linux' and 'Version' to 'Other (x64)'. Configure the memory size to your liking and once done click on 'Create'.3. If you're an advanced user configure the options to your liking otherwise leave everything as it is and click on 'Create' and then start it. Although I recommend 3.5GB of ram.4.


When you start the virtual maachine for the first time it will ask you for a host drive. Browse for your CentOS LiveCD minimal iso and click 'Start'.5. When it starts you'll see a screen asking you to press a button for boot options. Press a button and get to this screen. Click on 'Install' and if everything is set properly you'll get to the screen on step 6 below.6. It's now time to configure your OS.

Please do that and restart when prompted. To be continued in the next post. Stay tuned and be patient for the rest of the tutorial!;)Note: Because I'm on another locale language your button labels may be different but I hope my translation is precise enough to get you started.Edit as of May 20 2017:I repacked the whole client and made things easier with the client.

The file 'AuraKingdom.exe' is not a virus or malware. It is a packed version where game.bin and its necessary files are packed into one with the launcher. Also I forgot to include the locate.ini in the client, so the client may not display any text at all.

And the open PvP is minimal / avoidable (most of it happens in town, and nothing is lost when you die in town).There is a harsh grind with a current level cap of 50 and a soul rank cap of 22. Wizardry online permadeath. It's doubtful you will reach those, however, since it takes an incredibly large amount of exp and there is only content up to level 30 right now.

If you have a copy of it from Aeria or, use theirs otherwise simply create a new file with the same name and add this. Code: yum install postgresql93-server postgresql93-contrib Note: You can install any version of PostGreSQL as long as it's not going below back to the steps11. Open up WinSCP and connect to your server and navigate to your root folder.From there chmod the folder by right clicking the folder and properties.

Change the permission to 777.12. Navigate to var/lib/psql/9.3/data and find pghba.conf and postgresql.conf and open them up.In pgahba.conf find and edit according to your needs. I '.Caution: You must have the encoding in order to make the database read chinese letters otherwise the server won't let you in. The encoding is case-sensitive as well so make sure you type it as shown.

Template is making sure that you can use a custom template of the database creation. Template0 means custom. No further explanation from here.17. Once done go to Navicat and open up the game- and login server database.In the game server database find the 'serverstatus' table and edit the IP's to your server's. Do so as well with login server database's 'worlds' table.18.

Open up the start file and replace the paths accordingly so they match yours.19. Start your server by typing. No offense but whats the point in this at this time?its a copy/paste from whats on the chinese blogs/forumsits incomplete since nobody is willing to give out the database or even what the matching client is. (and btw you can probably just get the client connected by changing your host file and rerouting the original ip its connecting to to your local ip)youre not giving any explanation bout how to transfer the files into the virtual box or even that you probably need to chmod the files.As you and I stated it's an incomplete guide.

The purpose of this tutorial is to fill the empty holes of what was written in the chinese guide. I have left lots of other things you have to do behind because it is not necessary at the moment. Just be happy about the fact that this tutorial is understandable.Also I even added additional information that the chinese forums didn't had so please cut off the copy/paste part of yours. If you can provide any assistance go ahead! I'd gladly update the tutorial to include your contribution.Thank you.